Our Products

Coarse Layer Mash
A complete feed for all laying poultry. Composed of coarsely cracked and whole grains and a concentrate pellet lightly coated with molasses.

Coarse Grain Mix
A high energy supplement of coarsely cracked and whole grains and seeds lightly coated with molasses.

Chick Starter Crumble
A complete feed for growing layer chicks from day old to 8 weeks of age. Suitable for meat chickens and turkeys to market weight.
Premium Layer Crumble
A complete high protein Layer Crumble suitable for all laying birds.

Layer Pellets
A complete feed for all laying poultry. Composed of grains, protein meals, minerals and vitamins in a pelleted form. Suitable for all back yard laying poultry.

Pullet Grower Crumble
A complete feed for growing pullets from 8 weeks of age to point of lay. Also suitable for all growing poultry. Composed of grains, protein meals, vitamins and minerals in a crumble form.